Which John?
I see there is still some doubt among Whipple researchers about exactly which John Whipple it was that sailed from England to New England in 1632. Since I am probably at least responsible for the continuing confusion, I should also help set the record straight.
It was the young John Whipple who later became known as Captain John Whipple and died in Providence, Rhode Island. It was not the John who came to New England with his brother Matthew six years later in 1638.
Whipple genealogical researcher and publisher Blaine Whipple recently responded to that question as follows:
There are records supporting my position that brothers Matthew and John Whipple settled in Ipswich, Mass. in 1638 and were not passengers on the Lyon‘s 1632 voyage to Boston.
Matthew’s son Lt. John Whipple was born in Bocking, Essex Co., England 6 Sept. 1632. The Lyon docked in Boston Harbor 16 Sept. 1632 after a journey of 12 weeks.
Matthew’s son Matthew was born in Bocking ca 1635.
John’s daughter Anna was born in Bocking 2 June 1633.
His daughter Mary was born there 20 Feb. 1634.
His daughter Judith was born there in August 1636.
His son Matthew was born there 17 February and died 30 March 1638. His death date also gives credence to the parent’s land grants in Ipswich 1 Sept. 1638.
The source of this information is from the Parish Records of Bocking’s St. Mary’s Church available from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, film 1471886 Items 12 and 13.
I have presented this information to a number of Whipple researchers who after confirming the information agreed that, despite various sources to the contrary, the Whipple brothers were not passengers on the Lyon.
There, now you have it!
As soon as I have time (and decide what to do with the old material on the web site–possibly deleting it altogether) I will modify Frequently Asked Question 2.8 – Which John Whipple came to America on the ship Lyon?, as well as clarify the introductory paragraphs of the page entitled Passenger Lists for the Lyon, 1632.
Hopefully this will put to rest the confusion about which John sailed on the Lyon. (It will also re-emphasize the fact that there were two major Whipple “groups” that arrived in New England in the 1630’s.