A.B.C. Whipple, 1918-2013

Addison Beecher Colvin “Cal” Whipple, war correspondent who became a Washington reporter for Life magazine in 1943, died on St. Patrick’s Day. Cal was responsible for publishing a controversial “Picture of the Week” in Life in 1943, next to an editorial about the reality of World War II. “War Bond sales skyrocketed; and the [government’s] censorship rule was abolished.”
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Nova Scotia Birth, Marriage and Death Records Online

It’s been over a month since Blaine Whipple informed me that Nova Scotia has put their birth, marriage and death (BMD) records online. Many Whipples migrated to the Maritime Provinces during America’s colonial period. If your relatives lived in Nova Scotia, check out Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics (https://novascotiagenealogy.com/).
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