Notes |
- !SOURCE: Email from James Paul Janulet (email hidden) to the Whipple Website, 13 Aug 2001.
!SOURCE: Email from William D. Toth (email hidden) to the Whipple Website, 25 Apr 2008.
!SOURCE: Email from Paloma Ciancio-Mallette (email hidden) to the Whipple Website, 6 Jul 2017. Gives name Aleksandras Janulevicius (previous entered as Alexander Janulewitz), of Kovno, Luthuania (also known as Kaunas, Lithuania). He "left for the USA just before Hitler swept thru to finish off the townspeople, and Kovno was approximately 90% Hebrew. Aleksandras left Kovno and went to Hamburg, Germany where he boarded the ship AMERIKA paling for New York City, NY, USA. It was at Ellis Island, NY where the name changes from Janulevicius to Janulewit to Janulet, and other various spellings off the original (Janulevicius). The Janulevicius family later returned to Kovno, Lithuania - that line seems to continue to present day, and they are in Education, Agriculture and Classical Music."