What Kind of Cousin Are You?

6th cousin, 3x removed? … or whatever? Here’s how to figure it out:

  1. Identify common ancestor
  2. Start counting generations from common ancestor until either one runs out of generations
    • 1 generation: Brother/sister
    • 2 generations: 1st cousin
    • 3 generations: 2nd cousin
    • 4 generations: 3rd cousin
  3. If both of you are the same number of generations from the common ancestor, you’re done–and zero times removed
  4. If one of you still has more generations to count, start counting those generations:
    • 1 generation: once removed
    • 2 generations: twice removed
    • 3 generations: thrice (3 times) removed
    • 4 generations: 4 times removed
  5. You’re done

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